When Will The New Season Of Kurulus Osman Begin?

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When will the new season of Kurulus Osman begin? Kurulus Osman Episode 131 2023-2024

Preparations for the new season have been completed in the Kurulus Osman series, which will meet its audience with its 5th season. Filming for the TV series Kurulus Osman, produced by Mehmet Bozdag, will begin at the end of August; However, while many ATV series will meet the audience in September, unfortunately Kurulus Osman will wait for another month.

Kurulus Osman Season 5 Release date

Kurulus Osman series is unfortunately a very tiring series for the cast and production company because it is a historical series. Since many scenes are shot in open areas, it is very difficult to shoot Kurulus Osman series in winter conditions; As in the other series, it is almost impossible to shoot an episode every week in Kurulus Osman series, so as soon as the August heat subsides, the shooting starts for Kurulus Osman series, and as soon as the team spares for about 6 episodes aside, the broadcast time for the Kurulus Osman series comes.
When will the new season of Kurulus Osman start?

When will the new season of Kurulus Osman start? The Kurulus Osman series started the new season on October 7, 2020, October 6, 2021 and October 5, 2022 in the last 3 seasons. For this reason, it is expected that the 5th season of Kurulus Osman series will begin on Wednesday evening, October 4, 2023. As the new season start date of Kurulus Osman series seems to be certain, the channel and the producer agreed for October 4, 2023, but if there is a disruption in the shooting or if actors get sick until that date, the start date of the new season of Kurulus Osman can be postponed in 1 or 2 weeks. Kurulus Osman new season start date will be announced at the end of September and will be announced on our page.

When will the 131st Episode of Kurulus Osman be published?

Let’s answer the question of when the 131st episode of Kurulus Osman will be published. The 131st episode of Kurulus Osman series will be on the screen on October 4, 2023.

Kurulus Osman 2023 2024 New Season Start Date

Kurulus Osman 2023 2024 New Season Start Date will be 99% October 4, 2023. As it is known, Kurulus Osman said goodbye to the 4th season with the 130th episode that came to the screens on June 14, 2023.

Osman Season 5 English Subtitles

The shooting plateaus of the Kurulus Osman series let accepted visits of the audience in July. Hundreds of followers, with the participation of many actors, visited the set locations where the Kurulus Osman series was filmed and took pictures with the actors who participated in many events in Kayi tribe, but the set was closed to visitors for August and the construction of new decorations for the shootings began. Especially Kulucahisar Castle decorations will mark the new season.


Kurulus Osman Season 5 Preparing continue…

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